Sunday, September 20, 2009


September has been a nice month so far: warm weather and low humidity, the bugs are dying out (YEAH!), doughnuts and apple cider, Apple Fests, trips to the orchard ....and pumpkins! Great Grandma E (my dad's mom) visited this past week and saw our children and the home we built for the first time.

Grandma will be 90 this October!

So, with great grandma visiting we spent more time up at the farm-and in the tree swings



This week the twins have been playing "Sleep and Snore" on our bed. They put their heads down, close their eyes, and snore. After about 10 seconds they pop up and yell, "Awake". The other day I was reading them a book and Eden wanted to play "sleep". Elle was sitting next to me listening to the story and Eden was "sleeping". I could see one little corner of her eye open and she hoarsly whispered to her sister (as if she was totally annoyed that Elle was more interested in the story than Eden's game) and said, "Elle, PUT your HEAD DOWN, AND GO to SLEEP!"

I am trying to find the picture that I took of the twins last year by the old tire wheel-my, have they grown.

Well, why don't we go back to 2007 when the twins were just turning 9 months old!


Here is it-last year-2008
this year 2009

Every night this week, they have been singing "Ring Around the Rosey" and run around the house hanging on to Blaine's belt. When they get to "...we all fall down", they crash to the floor and laugh and laugh.

Several times in the last few days Eden will go to a door or gate, wave and yell loudly "GOOD-BYE, GOOD-BYE, BYE". I will ask her, "Where are you going?" And she tells me (like I should know where she is going) and states, "I am going work!" I will say, "Where do you work" and than she mater-of-factly tells me---- "The Wolverine!"..than shuts the door



Unknown September 21, 2009 at 10:16 PM  

love the pics by the old wheel!

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I am a wife and mommy of three beautiful little girls ages 2 and under. Life is CRAZY BUSY!!!! I started this blog for myself as a journal to help me remember the little things in life's journey.

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